Post by liza567 on Nov 12, 2024 0:18:44 GMT -5
Adkeynta siyaasadda cunaqabateynta ee bilowga 2022, iyo sidoo kale ka bixitaanka xiga ee noocyada shisheeye, ayaa si weyn u saameeyay dhaqaalaha Ruushka oo ay ku jiraan suuqa xayeysiinta.
Hay'ado badan oo suuqgeyneed ayaa la kulmay xaqiiqooyin cusub (luminta macaamiisheeda, raadinta kanaalo xayeysiis cusub, iwm.) waxaana lagu qasbay inay la qabsadaan iyaga markii ugu horeysay ee suurtogalka ah. Halka khubaradu ay “ saadaaliyeen” dhimis weyn oo ku yimid miisaaniyada xayaysiiska iyo tirada xayaysiinta ee wax soo iibsiga dhamaadka rubuci hore ee 2022.
Sidaa darteed, madaxweynaha Liiska iimaylka dalka Ururka Wakaaladaha Isgaarsiinta ee Ruushka (ACAR), Sergey Piskarev, oo wareysi siiyay RBC, ayaa muujiyay fikradda ah in hoos u dhaca suuqa uu noqon karo 30% ilaa 70% sanadkan. Isla mar ahaantaana, khabiirku wuxuu xusay in inkasta oo xaaladdu ay tahay mid aan xasilloonayn, laakiin weli mugga xayaysiisku kuma soo noqonin tilmaamayaasha 2008. Tani waxay weli siinaysaa rajo ah in laga baxo xaaladda khasaaraha ugu yar dhamaadka 2022.
Dabcan, waa goor hore in laga hadlo saadaalinta mustaqbalka fog ee ku saabsan horumarka suuqa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa durba suurtagal ah in la sameeyo gabagabo ku saabsan sida warshadaha xayeysiinta ay isu beddeleen 6 bilood ee la soo dhaafay. Khubarada RMAA waxay sameeyeen khibrad iyaga u gaar ah oo ku salaysan dhammaan xogta falanqaynta ee suuqa Ruushka xilligan xaadirka ah si ay u muujiyaan horumarka ay sameeyeen xayaysiisyada gudaha iyo dhibaatooyinka halista ah ee ay la kulmeen muddadaas.
Bilow Wacan. Janaayo-Maarso 2022
Bilowgii sanadka iyo ilaa hadda marka calaamadaha ajnabiga ah ay bilaabeen inay ka baxaan suuqa, ganacsiga xayaysiinta ee Ruushka ayaa muujiyay kobac joogto ah sida ay caddaynayaan xogta Guddiyada Khabiirada ah ee Ururka Wakaaladaha Isgaarsiinta ee Ruushka (ACAR). Isagoo ku hadlaya tirooyin, wadarta guud ee xayaysiinta ee suuqa Ruushka ayaa gaadhay ilaa 130 bilyan rubles (5% in ka badan marka la barbar dhigo isla muddadaas 2021). Si kastaba ha ahaatee, bishii Maarso, tilmaamayaashu waxay ku dhaceen qiyamka taban sababta aan soo sheegnay. Sidoo kale, hoos u dhacan ayaa saameyn kala duwan ku yeeshay qayb kasta oo suuqa ah.
Xayeysiinta khadka tooska ah
Sida laga soo xigtay khubarada, xayaysiisyada internetka ayaa dhibaatada ugu badan soo gaartay. Bishii Maarso ee sanadkan, qaybta ayaa la kulantay hoos u dhac isku mar ah oo ku yimid sahayda iyo baahida (kanaalada isgaarsiinta, iwm.) markii ugu horeysay sababtoo ah xayaysiisyada ajnabiga ah iyo xayaysiisyada ayaa ka tagay suuqa. Xusuusnow in shirkadaha hormuudka ka ah ay ku qiimeeyeen TOP 10 ee miisaaniyada xayeysiinta ay ka baxeen suuqa (Nestle, Reckitt Benckiser, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, iwm.). Intaa waxaa dheer, kanaalada isgaarsiinta ajnabiga ah (Meta *, Google iyo dhammaan adeegyadooda, Twitter, TikTok, iwm) waxay noqdeen kuwo xiran suuqa Ruushka. Sidaa darteed, xayeysiiyayaashu waxay si dhakhso ah u bilaabeen inay la qabsadaan xaqiiqada jirta oo ay raadiyaan habab kale oo xayeysiis ah. Siyaabo badan, isticmaalka adeegyada guriga, kuwaas oo awooday in ay wanaajiyaan shaqadooda sannadihii la soo dhaafay, waxay gacan ka geysteen hagaajinta xaaladda. Sababtan awgeed, rubuci hore ee 2022 wuxuu ku dhammaaday tilmaamayaasha kobaca togan ee suuqa xayaysiiska internetka.
Sida laga soo xigtay warbixinta Yandex, dakhliga xayaysiisyada internetka ee shirkadu wuxuu gaadhay 41.7 bilyan rubuc rubuci hore ee 2022. Halkan, dakhliga guud wuxuu kordhay 45% marka loo eego 2021 (106 bilyan rubles). Mid kale oo Ruush ah oo haysta, oo leh hantida caanka ah ee VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, iwm, ayaa ka helay 11.1 bilyan oo rubles xayaysiis ah muddada u dhaxaysa Janaayo ilaa Maarso 2022 ( isla muddadaas 2021, tilmaamuhu wuxuu ahaa heerka 10.4 bilyan rubles). Waxa intaa ka sii badan, kobaca degdega ah ee dakhliga xayaysiisyada ayaa lagu muujiyay Telegram, oo dakhligoodu gaadhay 7.45 bilyan oo rubi dhamaadka 2021.
Xayeysiiska TV-ga
Isla muddadaas, qaybta xayaysiisyada TV-ga waxay u horumartay si la mid ah qaabkii 2021. Waxay ka dhigan tahay inay muujisay koboc waara oo ay ugu wacan tahay kanaalada federaalka iyo kuwa xayeysiiya, iyo sidoo kale TV-ga mawduuca. Dhaqdhaqaaqa xayaysiisyada telefishinka ayaa dhaaftay celceliska tilmaamayaasha suuqa bilawga sanadka. Kadib, dhammaadka Maarso, qaybta ayaa muujisay hoos u dhac guud oo dhaqdhaqaaqa, laakiin si weyn uma saameyn koritaanka mugga.
"Kobaca mugga isugeynta ee labadii bilood ee ugu horreeyay rubuci hore (Janaayo-Febraayo) ayaa la arkay taasoo ka dhalatay kororka miisaaniyada qaybta isboortiga iyo kafaala-qaadka." Andrey Chuvaev, oo ah agaasimaha tuulada Havas ayaa ku sheegay wareysi uu siiyay portal
Ka Baxsan Guriga
Sida kiiska xayaysiisyada TV-ga, qaybta Guriga kabaxsan (ie "xayisiinta dibadda") si weyn uma lumin miisaaniyadeeda qeybtii hore ee 2022. Laakin sidoo kale ma muujin "caadada" kobaca xilliyeed ee rarida ganacsiga tan. muddo. Inkastoo xaqiiqda ah in saamiga noocyada ka tagay Ruushka ee xayeysiiska dibadda ay had iyo jeer ahaayeen kuwo hooseeya, joojinta qaar ka mid ah ololaha xayaysiinta ee qaybta ayaa saamaysay dhaqdhaqaaqa guud ee suuqa guud ahaan.
Xayeysiinta Raadiyaha
In the first quarter of 2022 radio advertising changed its focus to regional and ended the period with higher indicators than in Moscow and network placement segments. This trend can be explained by the fact that the regional market mainly works with Russian advertisers. As a result, it turned out to be more resistant to all economic changes in general. Whilst the leading category of car advertising aimed at promoting foreign brands left the network radio. The drivers of radio campaigns in the first quarter of 2022 were mainly real estate and financial sectors. In addition, RACA (Russian Association of Communication Agencies) experts noted higher growth dynamics for special projects that were broadcast on various radio stations. By the way, the same trend was observed in 2021.
“The first quarter cannot be considered too indicative for the radio segment. Since, all economic and political events took place almost at the end, and in March many advertisers took a wait-and-see attitude. Carryforward and removal of budgets was minimal and mainly affected the federal market, because it is where international brands that subsequently fell under sanctions concentrate.” - Ekaterina Rybakova, ADV Press&Radio Media Directoor said - in an interview with the information amd analytical portal
Print Media Advertising
In the print media segment, the volume of revenue from advertising in magazines remained almost at the level of 2021 at the beginning of the year. However, overall results for press advertising turned out to be ambiguous. The case is that experts denoted a budget reduction in newspaper advertising budgets. But when calculating the results, publishers' revenues from native advertising and special projects were not taken into account. Actually, the latter were implemented in large volumes by many federal media in February-March. According to Marina Mishunkina, First Deputy General Director of the Publishing House “Arguments and Facts" in an interview with the portal ), this refers to approximately 55% of the revenue from such projects overall on the market.
The advertising market completed the first quarter of 2022 with such indicators. Along with it many experts predicted a further decline in all segments (in an interview with Vedomosti). Moreover, the depth of the drop directly depends on the duration of the hot phase of the sanctions policy against Russia. For example, OMD OM Group calculated that each month of such a situation would cost Russian advertising a decline of 5% at an annual rate. At the beginning of the year Dentsu Russia experts suggested that the April-May period could be 40-60% compared to 2021. On the other hand, the exit of foreign companies allows local brands to increase market share.
Ekaterina Gorkina, Business Development Director of Igronik, suggested another case scenario. In her opinion, the future of the market directly depends on the appearance of new logistics chains for companies from China, Turkey, Brazil and India. Anna Sergeeva, CEO of Main Target Group, is also sure that in the near future the market will replace the budgets of large Western companies with medium-sized advertisers. Since such players are less dependent on the geopolitical situation in the world.
It should be that some forecasts about the fall of the market as a whole came true in the second quarter of 2022. However, there were also positive results.
What Happened Next. April-June 2022
As it was expected, the advertising market in Russia accelerated its decline up to 45% in the second quarter. Such data was published by Kommersant, based on OMD OM Group study. In general, the industry lost about 190 billion rubles (- 26%) in the first half of the year.
Continuing the trend of the first quarter of the year, the largest decline occurred in the segment of online advertising (-34% for the first half of the year) and, according to experts, amounted to 91 billion rubles. Press advertising turned out to be in the second place in terms of losses (-29% for the same period) with a mark of up to 3 billion rubles. TV advertising and Out of Home investments decreased by 17 and 18%, respectively. But radio advertising suffered the least, having decreased in volume by only 3% in the first half of the year (up to 6 billion rubles).
Based on these data, OMD OM Group analysts forecast an overall decline in the advertising market by 33% by the end of 2022. Moreover, experts are sure that the biggest decline will occur in print advertising (by 57% for the whole year). However, all other market segments will also be greatly affected: Internet advertising will lose 43%, TV advertising will go down by 22%, Out of Home will go down by 24%. And again, radio advertising (minus 3%) will come out to the beginning of 2023 with the least losses.
If we talk about the situation on the market in general, it should be mentioned that it was not only the exit of foreign companies that affected it. The subsequent uncertainty for other players in various segments, including Russian companies, also forced many advertisers to reduce their budgets for promotion. As evidenced by the findings of the Tochka Bank research showing the dynamics of advertising investments for domestic companies in March-June 2022 (the results were published in the Kommersant newspaper).
Analysts found out that the promotion costs in the education category most reduced (minus 74%). For example, in March 2022, Netology a major Russian online education platform, reduced the advertising budget by 20% amid general restrictions, as well as blocking Google Ads and Facebook** cabinets, which the company used for marketing activities.
The second place in the study was taken by the category of advertising and PR agencies, media publishers and typographers - minus 68.8% of advertising budgets for promotion. Following them, there were public organizations that reduced advertising costs by 66%. Then, auto dealers (minus 55%), book publishers and museums with libraries (minus 47%), tourism (minus 39%). The category of cafes, restaurants and hotels closes the list with an advertising budget saving of 37% at the moment.
Representatives of the above mentioned segments accept such findings. By the way, car market participants began to reduce advertising budgets in early February 2022 due to the uncertainty associated with the deliveries of cars. This is stated by Andrey Kamensky, Marketing Director of Avilon AG (in an interview with Kommersant), adding that the issue also consists in the need for new advertising tools to replace the blocked Google and Meta* services. At the same time, Oleg Kuznetsov, Marketing Director of Avtodom Group and Avtospeccenter Group (in an interview with Kommersant), clarifies that the reduction of advertising costs in the car market occurred mainly in the category of premium European brands. Meanwhile, the budgets for the promotion of Korean, Chinese and Japanese manufacturers, on the contrary, have increased.
In the tourism sector, as well as in the car market, there has also been a change of priorities. Dmitry Gorin, vice president of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (in an interview with Kommersant), noted that advertising budgets in the segment have reduced amid general market decline. Despite this, domestic online services, on the contrary, increased advertising activity amid and Airbnb. exit from the market. Besides, some companies have started actively looking for new promotion channels for themselves. For example,, a tourist platform, launched TV advertising for the first time and expanded the coverage of outdoor advertising from 3 to 10 cities. It was said by Oksana Shustikova, a service representative, to Kommersant.
During the same period, a global “restructuring” of channels and services started in the online advertising segment.
New Digital Inventory
Amid blocking foreign advertising services, Russian companies faced challenges in promoting at the beginning of 2022. However, the situation was resolved in a fairly short time, since domestic platforms were able to quickly offer alternative solutions. Besides, the activity of Russian users on these services has also begun to increase.
According to a study by Tochka Bank, advertising costs on Telegram increased by 591% in March-June of the current year (compared to the same period in 2021). The same indicator of another domestic service, VKontakte, turned out to be slightly lower - plus 146%. Analysts explain these figures by the fact that Russian advertisers have almost completely give up on Google and Meta* tools. Since in March-June, the volume of payments on these services decreased by 96 and 99%, accordingly. However, Telegram and VKontakte should also be commended, since service developers are actively implementing new advertising systems on their platforms. In 2021, TelegramAds appeared. In the first half of 2022, VKontakte launched a support program for young authors, simultaneously developing a full-fledged version of the VK Video application.
The Russian video service, Rutube, also announced an influx of users and new features in 2022. According to Yulia Talapanova, Director of the Marketing Communications Department of the platform (at the Russian Internet Forum (RIF)), Rutube developers planned to attract about 10 million active users by the end of 2022. Meanwhile, in March, the audience has already exceeded the mark of 21 million people. Moreover, the number of content views increased by 70%. Against this background, there is a new option for the authors to transfer videos from Youtube and quite comfortable monetization conditions (the blogger receives 100% of the earned amount in the first 6 weeks from the moment of registration).
It is worth saying a few words about another Russian platform - Yandex, which offers authors, companies and advertisers a huge functionality for content placement. In May of this year, about 355 million Russian users benefited from Yandex services. During the same period, the project developers added new functions, providing more convenient promotion options on the services. For example, the number of product spaces on Yandex.Direct has been increased (to increase the number of advertisers), two new formats of advertising banners have appeared, as well as Yandex.Metrica has been updated to provide more accurate analytical indicators.
Special attention should be given to new platforms. Some of them already have a huge number of users and advertising opportunities. A good example of this is the social network TenChat, whose audience has grown ten times in a couple of months since its official release. In January 2022, the number of TenChat users reached 100 thousand, and in March this figure was already at the level of 300 thousand. In May, the developers released a new version of the service, providing additional features (stories, profile links, statistics, etc.). Besides TenChat, blogging services have been launched on the marketYappy! andIRus, gradually gaining popularity among the Russian audience.
Ambiguous Result for the First Half of 2022
Dhinaca kale, shirkadaha ajnabiga ah ee hormuudka ka ah warbaahinta waaweyn ayaa ka tagay suuqa xayeysiinta. Taas oo horseeday hoos u dhac ku yimi miisaaniyada qaybo badan. Waxaa intaa dheer, xayaysiisyada internetka ayaa dhibaatada ugu badan soo gaartay, maadaama ku dhawaad dhammaan kanaalada isgaarsiinta halkan laga xiray. Laakiin dhinaca kale, noocyo cusub ayaa bilaabaya inay yimaadaan Ruushka, kuwaas oo u baahan dhagaystayaal Ruush ah iyo gaari weyn. Intaa waxaa dheer, shirkadaha gudaha ayaa si tartiib tartiib ah uga fekeraya xeeladaha horumarinta cusub ee xaqiiqooyinka hadda jira. Dabcan, inta badan kiisaska waxay dib u dhigaan xaaladda aan la hubin ee suuqa guud ahaan. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waa goor hore in laga hadlo hoos u dhaca suuqa caalamiga ah dhamaadka 2022. Tan iyo qaybta isku midka ah ee xayaysiisyada online ay u suurtagashay in ay "kordhiyaan" tilmaamayaasha iyo alaabada cusub ee qaabka adeegyo tayo sare leh oo bixiya adeegyo kala duwan oo loogu talagalay isticmaalayaasha iyo labadaba. xayaysiiyayaasha waqti yar gudaheed.
Si kastaba ha noqotee, dhiirrigelinta wax ku oolka ah ee suuqa Ruushka waxay ku xirnaan doontaa arrimo badan, astaamo, isbeddello iyo xogta falanqaynta. Ku aamina hawshan khabiirada RMAA kuwaas oo awoodi doona inay bixiyaan hab isku dhafan si loo hubiyo in alaabtaadu ay gaarto dareenka macaamiisha Ruushka wakhti gaaban gudaheed.
* Ururkan ayaa loo aqoonsan yahay inuu yahay xagjir, waxaana laga mamnuucay Ruushka.
** Shabakadda bulshada waxaa loo aqoonsan yahay xagjir waxaana laga mamnuucay Ruushka.
Nagala soco baraha bulshada
Nagu raac LinkedIn Naga raac Twitter
Ku biir 2,000+
asxaabtaada ah!
Hel maqaalladeenii ugu dambeeyay oo lagu soo hagaajiyo sanduuqaaga emaylkaaga oo hel warqadda cad ee gaarka ah
"Hagaha degdega ah ee iibsadaha warbaahinta ee shaqada waxtarka leh ee Ruushka"
bilaash ah!
Halkan waxaan ku aqbalay Shuruudaha habaynta xogtayda gaarka ah.
Dulmarka Suuqa Dijital ah ee Ruushka
Aragtida Istaraatiijiyadeed ee Muuqaalka Suuqgeynta Dijital ah ee Ruushka
Soo dejiso bilaash
Diyaar ma u tahay inaad la wadaagto khabiirada ku takhasusay suuqgeynta iyo xayaysiinta Ruushka?
Hay'ado badan oo suuqgeyneed ayaa la kulmay xaqiiqooyin cusub (luminta macaamiisheeda, raadinta kanaalo xayeysiis cusub, iwm.) waxaana lagu qasbay inay la qabsadaan iyaga markii ugu horeysay ee suurtogalka ah. Halka khubaradu ay “ saadaaliyeen” dhimis weyn oo ku yimid miisaaniyada xayaysiiska iyo tirada xayaysiinta ee wax soo iibsiga dhamaadka rubuci hore ee 2022.
Sidaa darteed, madaxweynaha Liiska iimaylka dalka Ururka Wakaaladaha Isgaarsiinta ee Ruushka (ACAR), Sergey Piskarev, oo wareysi siiyay RBC, ayaa muujiyay fikradda ah in hoos u dhaca suuqa uu noqon karo 30% ilaa 70% sanadkan. Isla mar ahaantaana, khabiirku wuxuu xusay in inkasta oo xaaladdu ay tahay mid aan xasilloonayn, laakiin weli mugga xayaysiisku kuma soo noqonin tilmaamayaasha 2008. Tani waxay weli siinaysaa rajo ah in laga baxo xaaladda khasaaraha ugu yar dhamaadka 2022.
Dabcan, waa goor hore in laga hadlo saadaalinta mustaqbalka fog ee ku saabsan horumarka suuqa. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa durba suurtagal ah in la sameeyo gabagabo ku saabsan sida warshadaha xayeysiinta ay isu beddeleen 6 bilood ee la soo dhaafay. Khubarada RMAA waxay sameeyeen khibrad iyaga u gaar ah oo ku salaysan dhammaan xogta falanqaynta ee suuqa Ruushka xilligan xaadirka ah si ay u muujiyaan horumarka ay sameeyeen xayaysiisyada gudaha iyo dhibaatooyinka halista ah ee ay la kulmeen muddadaas.
Bilow Wacan. Janaayo-Maarso 2022
Bilowgii sanadka iyo ilaa hadda marka calaamadaha ajnabiga ah ay bilaabeen inay ka baxaan suuqa, ganacsiga xayaysiinta ee Ruushka ayaa muujiyay kobac joogto ah sida ay caddaynayaan xogta Guddiyada Khabiirada ah ee Ururka Wakaaladaha Isgaarsiinta ee Ruushka (ACAR). Isagoo ku hadlaya tirooyin, wadarta guud ee xayaysiinta ee suuqa Ruushka ayaa gaadhay ilaa 130 bilyan rubles (5% in ka badan marka la barbar dhigo isla muddadaas 2021). Si kastaba ha ahaatee, bishii Maarso, tilmaamayaashu waxay ku dhaceen qiyamka taban sababta aan soo sheegnay. Sidoo kale, hoos u dhacan ayaa saameyn kala duwan ku yeeshay qayb kasta oo suuqa ah.
Xayeysiinta khadka tooska ah
Sida laga soo xigtay khubarada, xayaysiisyada internetka ayaa dhibaatada ugu badan soo gaartay. Bishii Maarso ee sanadkan, qaybta ayaa la kulantay hoos u dhac isku mar ah oo ku yimid sahayda iyo baahida (kanaalada isgaarsiinta, iwm.) markii ugu horeysay sababtoo ah xayaysiisyada ajnabiga ah iyo xayaysiisyada ayaa ka tagay suuqa. Xusuusnow in shirkadaha hormuudka ka ah ay ku qiimeeyeen TOP 10 ee miisaaniyada xayeysiinta ay ka baxeen suuqa (Nestle, Reckitt Benckiser, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, iwm.). Intaa waxaa dheer, kanaalada isgaarsiinta ajnabiga ah (Meta *, Google iyo dhammaan adeegyadooda, Twitter, TikTok, iwm) waxay noqdeen kuwo xiran suuqa Ruushka. Sidaa darteed, xayeysiiyayaashu waxay si dhakhso ah u bilaabeen inay la qabsadaan xaqiiqada jirta oo ay raadiyaan habab kale oo xayeysiis ah. Siyaabo badan, isticmaalka adeegyada guriga, kuwaas oo awooday in ay wanaajiyaan shaqadooda sannadihii la soo dhaafay, waxay gacan ka geysteen hagaajinta xaaladda. Sababtan awgeed, rubuci hore ee 2022 wuxuu ku dhammaaday tilmaamayaasha kobaca togan ee suuqa xayaysiiska internetka.
Sida laga soo xigtay warbixinta Yandex, dakhliga xayaysiisyada internetka ee shirkadu wuxuu gaadhay 41.7 bilyan rubuc rubuci hore ee 2022. Halkan, dakhliga guud wuxuu kordhay 45% marka loo eego 2021 (106 bilyan rubles). Mid kale oo Ruush ah oo haysta, oo leh hantida caanka ah ee VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, iwm, ayaa ka helay 11.1 bilyan oo rubles xayaysiis ah muddada u dhaxaysa Janaayo ilaa Maarso 2022 ( isla muddadaas 2021, tilmaamuhu wuxuu ahaa heerka 10.4 bilyan rubles). Waxa intaa ka sii badan, kobaca degdega ah ee dakhliga xayaysiisyada ayaa lagu muujiyay Telegram, oo dakhligoodu gaadhay 7.45 bilyan oo rubi dhamaadka 2021.
Xayeysiiska TV-ga
Isla muddadaas, qaybta xayaysiisyada TV-ga waxay u horumartay si la mid ah qaabkii 2021. Waxay ka dhigan tahay inay muujisay koboc waara oo ay ugu wacan tahay kanaalada federaalka iyo kuwa xayeysiiya, iyo sidoo kale TV-ga mawduuca. Dhaqdhaqaaqa xayaysiisyada telefishinka ayaa dhaaftay celceliska tilmaamayaasha suuqa bilawga sanadka. Kadib, dhammaadka Maarso, qaybta ayaa muujisay hoos u dhac guud oo dhaqdhaqaaqa, laakiin si weyn uma saameyn koritaanka mugga.
"Kobaca mugga isugeynta ee labadii bilood ee ugu horreeyay rubuci hore (Janaayo-Febraayo) ayaa la arkay taasoo ka dhalatay kororka miisaaniyada qaybta isboortiga iyo kafaala-qaadka." Andrey Chuvaev, oo ah agaasimaha tuulada Havas ayaa ku sheegay wareysi uu siiyay portal
Ka Baxsan Guriga
Sida kiiska xayaysiisyada TV-ga, qaybta Guriga kabaxsan (ie "xayisiinta dibadda") si weyn uma lumin miisaaniyadeeda qeybtii hore ee 2022. Laakin sidoo kale ma muujin "caadada" kobaca xilliyeed ee rarida ganacsiga tan. muddo. Inkastoo xaqiiqda ah in saamiga noocyada ka tagay Ruushka ee xayeysiiska dibadda ay had iyo jeer ahaayeen kuwo hooseeya, joojinta qaar ka mid ah ololaha xayaysiinta ee qaybta ayaa saamaysay dhaqdhaqaaqa guud ee suuqa guud ahaan.
Xayeysiinta Raadiyaha
In the first quarter of 2022 radio advertising changed its focus to regional and ended the period with higher indicators than in Moscow and network placement segments. This trend can be explained by the fact that the regional market mainly works with Russian advertisers. As a result, it turned out to be more resistant to all economic changes in general. Whilst the leading category of car advertising aimed at promoting foreign brands left the network radio. The drivers of radio campaigns in the first quarter of 2022 were mainly real estate and financial sectors. In addition, RACA (Russian Association of Communication Agencies) experts noted higher growth dynamics for special projects that were broadcast on various radio stations. By the way, the same trend was observed in 2021.
“The first quarter cannot be considered too indicative for the radio segment. Since, all economic and political events took place almost at the end, and in March many advertisers took a wait-and-see attitude. Carryforward and removal of budgets was minimal and mainly affected the federal market, because it is where international brands that subsequently fell under sanctions concentrate.” - Ekaterina Rybakova, ADV Press&Radio Media Directoor said - in an interview with the information amd analytical portal
Print Media Advertising
In the print media segment, the volume of revenue from advertising in magazines remained almost at the level of 2021 at the beginning of the year. However, overall results for press advertising turned out to be ambiguous. The case is that experts denoted a budget reduction in newspaper advertising budgets. But when calculating the results, publishers' revenues from native advertising and special projects were not taken into account. Actually, the latter were implemented in large volumes by many federal media in February-March. According to Marina Mishunkina, First Deputy General Director of the Publishing House “Arguments and Facts" in an interview with the portal ), this refers to approximately 55% of the revenue from such projects overall on the market.
The advertising market completed the first quarter of 2022 with such indicators. Along with it many experts predicted a further decline in all segments (in an interview with Vedomosti). Moreover, the depth of the drop directly depends on the duration of the hot phase of the sanctions policy against Russia. For example, OMD OM Group calculated that each month of such a situation would cost Russian advertising a decline of 5% at an annual rate. At the beginning of the year Dentsu Russia experts suggested that the April-May period could be 40-60% compared to 2021. On the other hand, the exit of foreign companies allows local brands to increase market share.
Ekaterina Gorkina, Business Development Director of Igronik, suggested another case scenario. In her opinion, the future of the market directly depends on the appearance of new logistics chains for companies from China, Turkey, Brazil and India. Anna Sergeeva, CEO of Main Target Group, is also sure that in the near future the market will replace the budgets of large Western companies with medium-sized advertisers. Since such players are less dependent on the geopolitical situation in the world.
It should be that some forecasts about the fall of the market as a whole came true in the second quarter of 2022. However, there were also positive results.
What Happened Next. April-June 2022
As it was expected, the advertising market in Russia accelerated its decline up to 45% in the second quarter. Such data was published by Kommersant, based on OMD OM Group study. In general, the industry lost about 190 billion rubles (- 26%) in the first half of the year.
Continuing the trend of the first quarter of the year, the largest decline occurred in the segment of online advertising (-34% for the first half of the year) and, according to experts, amounted to 91 billion rubles. Press advertising turned out to be in the second place in terms of losses (-29% for the same period) with a mark of up to 3 billion rubles. TV advertising and Out of Home investments decreased by 17 and 18%, respectively. But radio advertising suffered the least, having decreased in volume by only 3% in the first half of the year (up to 6 billion rubles).
Based on these data, OMD OM Group analysts forecast an overall decline in the advertising market by 33% by the end of 2022. Moreover, experts are sure that the biggest decline will occur in print advertising (by 57% for the whole year). However, all other market segments will also be greatly affected: Internet advertising will lose 43%, TV advertising will go down by 22%, Out of Home will go down by 24%. And again, radio advertising (minus 3%) will come out to the beginning of 2023 with the least losses.
If we talk about the situation on the market in general, it should be mentioned that it was not only the exit of foreign companies that affected it. The subsequent uncertainty for other players in various segments, including Russian companies, also forced many advertisers to reduce their budgets for promotion. As evidenced by the findings of the Tochka Bank research showing the dynamics of advertising investments for domestic companies in March-June 2022 (the results were published in the Kommersant newspaper).
Analysts found out that the promotion costs in the education category most reduced (minus 74%). For example, in March 2022, Netology a major Russian online education platform, reduced the advertising budget by 20% amid general restrictions, as well as blocking Google Ads and Facebook** cabinets, which the company used for marketing activities.
The second place in the study was taken by the category of advertising and PR agencies, media publishers and typographers - minus 68.8% of advertising budgets for promotion. Following them, there were public organizations that reduced advertising costs by 66%. Then, auto dealers (minus 55%), book publishers and museums with libraries (minus 47%), tourism (minus 39%). The category of cafes, restaurants and hotels closes the list with an advertising budget saving of 37% at the moment.
Representatives of the above mentioned segments accept such findings. By the way, car market participants began to reduce advertising budgets in early February 2022 due to the uncertainty associated with the deliveries of cars. This is stated by Andrey Kamensky, Marketing Director of Avilon AG (in an interview with Kommersant), adding that the issue also consists in the need for new advertising tools to replace the blocked Google and Meta* services. At the same time, Oleg Kuznetsov, Marketing Director of Avtodom Group and Avtospeccenter Group (in an interview with Kommersant), clarifies that the reduction of advertising costs in the car market occurred mainly in the category of premium European brands. Meanwhile, the budgets for the promotion of Korean, Chinese and Japanese manufacturers, on the contrary, have increased.
In the tourism sector, as well as in the car market, there has also been a change of priorities. Dmitry Gorin, vice president of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (in an interview with Kommersant), noted that advertising budgets in the segment have reduced amid general market decline. Despite this, domestic online services, on the contrary, increased advertising activity amid and Airbnb. exit from the market. Besides, some companies have started actively looking for new promotion channels for themselves. For example,, a tourist platform, launched TV advertising for the first time and expanded the coverage of outdoor advertising from 3 to 10 cities. It was said by Oksana Shustikova, a service representative, to Kommersant.
During the same period, a global “restructuring” of channels and services started in the online advertising segment.
New Digital Inventory
Amid blocking foreign advertising services, Russian companies faced challenges in promoting at the beginning of 2022. However, the situation was resolved in a fairly short time, since domestic platforms were able to quickly offer alternative solutions. Besides, the activity of Russian users on these services has also begun to increase.
According to a study by Tochka Bank, advertising costs on Telegram increased by 591% in March-June of the current year (compared to the same period in 2021). The same indicator of another domestic service, VKontakte, turned out to be slightly lower - plus 146%. Analysts explain these figures by the fact that Russian advertisers have almost completely give up on Google and Meta* tools. Since in March-June, the volume of payments on these services decreased by 96 and 99%, accordingly. However, Telegram and VKontakte should also be commended, since service developers are actively implementing new advertising systems on their platforms. In 2021, TelegramAds appeared. In the first half of 2022, VKontakte launched a support program for young authors, simultaneously developing a full-fledged version of the VK Video application.
The Russian video service, Rutube, also announced an influx of users and new features in 2022. According to Yulia Talapanova, Director of the Marketing Communications Department of the platform (at the Russian Internet Forum (RIF)), Rutube developers planned to attract about 10 million active users by the end of 2022. Meanwhile, in March, the audience has already exceeded the mark of 21 million people. Moreover, the number of content views increased by 70%. Against this background, there is a new option for the authors to transfer videos from Youtube and quite comfortable monetization conditions (the blogger receives 100% of the earned amount in the first 6 weeks from the moment of registration).
It is worth saying a few words about another Russian platform - Yandex, which offers authors, companies and advertisers a huge functionality for content placement. In May of this year, about 355 million Russian users benefited from Yandex services. During the same period, the project developers added new functions, providing more convenient promotion options on the services. For example, the number of product spaces on Yandex.Direct has been increased (to increase the number of advertisers), two new formats of advertising banners have appeared, as well as Yandex.Metrica has been updated to provide more accurate analytical indicators.
Special attention should be given to new platforms. Some of them already have a huge number of users and advertising opportunities. A good example of this is the social network TenChat, whose audience has grown ten times in a couple of months since its official release. In January 2022, the number of TenChat users reached 100 thousand, and in March this figure was already at the level of 300 thousand. In May, the developers released a new version of the service, providing additional features (stories, profile links, statistics, etc.). Besides TenChat, blogging services have been launched on the marketYappy! andIRus, gradually gaining popularity among the Russian audience.
Ambiguous Result for the First Half of 2022
Dhinaca kale, shirkadaha ajnabiga ah ee hormuudka ka ah warbaahinta waaweyn ayaa ka tagay suuqa xayeysiinta. Taas oo horseeday hoos u dhac ku yimi miisaaniyada qaybo badan. Waxaa intaa dheer, xayaysiisyada internetka ayaa dhibaatada ugu badan soo gaartay, maadaama ku dhawaad dhammaan kanaalada isgaarsiinta halkan laga xiray. Laakiin dhinaca kale, noocyo cusub ayaa bilaabaya inay yimaadaan Ruushka, kuwaas oo u baahan dhagaystayaal Ruush ah iyo gaari weyn. Intaa waxaa dheer, shirkadaha gudaha ayaa si tartiib tartiib ah uga fekeraya xeeladaha horumarinta cusub ee xaqiiqooyinka hadda jira. Dabcan, inta badan kiisaska waxay dib u dhigaan xaaladda aan la hubin ee suuqa guud ahaan. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waa goor hore in laga hadlo hoos u dhaca suuqa caalamiga ah dhamaadka 2022. Tan iyo qaybta isku midka ah ee xayaysiisyada online ay u suurtagashay in ay "kordhiyaan" tilmaamayaasha iyo alaabada cusub ee qaabka adeegyo tayo sare leh oo bixiya adeegyo kala duwan oo loogu talagalay isticmaalayaasha iyo labadaba. xayaysiiyayaasha waqti yar gudaheed.
Si kastaba ha noqotee, dhiirrigelinta wax ku oolka ah ee suuqa Ruushka waxay ku xirnaan doontaa arrimo badan, astaamo, isbeddello iyo xogta falanqaynta. Ku aamina hawshan khabiirada RMAA kuwaas oo awoodi doona inay bixiyaan hab isku dhafan si loo hubiyo in alaabtaadu ay gaarto dareenka macaamiisha Ruushka wakhti gaaban gudaheed.
* Ururkan ayaa loo aqoonsan yahay inuu yahay xagjir, waxaana laga mamnuucay Ruushka.
** Shabakadda bulshada waxaa loo aqoonsan yahay xagjir waxaana laga mamnuucay Ruushka.
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bilaash ah!
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